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We’re going to Timber Festival!

TFT Approved hits the road once again this summer, this time for something a little different; Timber Festival! 

“Fall under nature’s spell” is the message from event organisers Wild Rumpus to those gathering in The National Forest this July. Timber isn’t your usual festival. This is a celebration of nature, art, movement and above all; connection. Across 3 days attendees will be invited to stand up and be counted, as we rethink our relationship with trees and the forest. 

The festival programme has a host of activities to take part in, from music to meditation, yoga to protest banner workshops. TFT will be hosting some exciting activities (more on this later…) This is a festival to feel at home in, join family and friends in the forest for 3 days or exploration, reconnection and dance. 

Find us at the TFT Tent in Craftivism for all of the usual stuff we brind to TFT Approved events, the infamous Rubbish Raffle and regular Trail Cleans, big chats and lots of laughs. Now to talk about those workshops in more detail: 

  • Join Dr. Em Pope for an interactive session to explore her work with Trash Free Trails on the power of nature connection to transform our relationship to self, to each other, and the natural world. Em will be drawing on how time outdoors can shape people’s relationship with nature and attachment to place, and what this means for their wellbeing and behaviours. 

  • We’re also hosting a Purposeful Adventure roam before a workshop at the ‘Fire in the Belly’ stage, come along for the ride to see how you can leave a positive trace on your everyday adventures. 

  • Mindful moments, for everyone, anytime. See what you can see with your eyes closed, whenever and wherever you like.

I hear you ask, ‘This isn't a sporting event, why is it TFT Approved?’ Well… that’s the beauty of it. TFT Approved can be applied to events of all kinds, it doesn't have to be about riding bikes or running up hills, dancing and (re)connection play a vital role in the way we enjoy our wild places so these events (and anything else you can think of) can be TFT Approved too. 

We can’t wait to see you out there enjoying time with friends, family and the breath taking National Forest. 

Image from Sam Dugon

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