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The restorative power of local action by individuals, families and communities who love the places they live in and visit is the single most important element of our work. In short, Trash Free Trails simply wouldn't exist with YOU!



We pledge to always take great care to connect with, respect and acknowledge local and national stakeholders and to make it clear that we are asking to be invited into the places they love on their terms. In short we NEVER intend to come in and 'take over', so if it ever feels that way please let us know.



We believe that the key to achieving our 2025 objectives will be in creating such a strong sense of community and clarity of purpose that people, almost organically, ‘sign-up’ for the long haul. We hope people will feel like they’ve joined a family and as we move forward things like storytelling and sharing success will be vital tools to accomplish this.



So, how do we actually do this?! Well, we've developed a highly complex, scientific equation that we swear by, that being; TIME + TOIL (x TEA) = TRUST. It is our belief that a 'community' is not sustainable without trust and, like any great relationship, trust can't be built quickly or without developing a deep understanding of what makes each other tick. 


We've found that shared 'toil' is a pretty perfect way to get to know each other and nowhere has this been better demonstrated than by coming together to ride our bikes, clean our trails and drink a boatload of tea (please INSERT your chosen tipple HERE!).



So, that's it, our 'community strategy'! It's pretty simple really; whether you're a grizzled veteran of the A-TEAM, a young-gun member of the #TRASHMOB, a long term supporter like Jez and the guys at Trek Bikes or you've just stumbled across us, we subscribe strictly to the 'Keep It Simple Stupid' principle and just take things one pedal stroke at a time.


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